MLJ is a machine learning framework for Julia aiming to provide a convenient way to use and combine a multitude of tools and models available in the Julia ML/Stats ecosystem.
MLJ is released under the MIT license.
Implement survival analysis models for use in the MLJ machine learning platform.
Difficulty. Moderate - hard. Duration. 350 hours
Survival/time-to-event analysis is an important field of Statistics concerned with understanding the distribution of events over time. Survival analysis presents a unique challenge as we are also interested in events that do not take place, which we refer to as 'censoring'. Survival analysis methods are important in many real-world settings, such as health care (disease prognosis), finance and economics (risk of default), commercial ventures (customer churn), engineering (component lifetime), and many more. This project aims to implement models for performing survivor analysis with the MLJ machine learning framework.
Mentors. Sebastian Vollmer, Anthony Blaom,
Julia language fluency is essential.
Git-workflow familiarity is strongly preferred.
Some experience with survival analysis.
Familiarity with MLJ's API a plus.
A passing familiarity with machine learning goals and workflow is
Specifically, you will:
Familiarize yourself with the training and evaluation machine
learning models in MLJ.
Survey existing survival models in Julia.
Integrate some existing classical survival models into MLJ.
Develop a proof of concept for newer advanced survival analysis
models not currently implemented in Julia.
[Kvamme, H., Borgan, Ø., & Scheel, I. (2019). Time-to-event
prediction with neural networks and Cox regression. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(129), 1--30.](
[Lee, C., Zame, W. R., Yoon, J., & van der Schaar, M. (2018).
Deephit: A deep learning approach to survival analysis with competing risks. In Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.](
[Katzman, J. L., Shaham, U., Cloninger, A., Bates, J., Jiang, T., &
Kluger, Y. (2018). DeepSurv: personalized treatment recommender system using a Cox proportional hazards deep neural network. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18(1), 24.]( <>
[Gensheimer, M. F., & Narasimhan, B. (2019). A scalable
discrete-time survival model for neural networks. PeerJ, 7, e6257.](
Time series are ubiquitous - stocks, sensor reading, vital signs. This projects aims at adding time series forecasting to MLJ and perform benchmark comparisons to sktime, tslearn, tsml).
Difficulty. Moderate - hard. Duration. 350 hours.
Julia language fluency essential.
Git-workflow essential
Some prior contact with time series forecasting
HPC in julia is a desirable
MLJ is so far focused on tabular data and time series classification. This project is to add support for time series data in a modular, composable way.
Time series are everywhere in real-world applications and there has been an increase in interest in time series frameworks recently (see e.g. sktime, tslearn, tsml).
But there are still very few principled time-series libraries out there, so you would be working on something that could be very useful for a large number of people. To find out more, check out this paper on sktime.
Mentors: Sebastian Vollmer, Markus Löning (sktime developer).
Interpreting and explaining black box interpretation crucial to establish trust and improve performance
Difficulty. Easy - moderate. Duration. 350 hours.
It is important to have mechanisms in place to interpret the results of machine learning models. Identify the relevant factors of a decision or scoring of a model.
This project will implement methods for model and feature interpretability.
Mentors. Diego Arenas, Sebastian Vollmer.
Julia language fluency essential.
Git-workflow familiarity strongly preferred.
Some prior contact with explainable AI/ML methods is desirable.
A passing familiarity with machine learning goals and workflow preferred
The aim of this project is to implement multiple variants implementation algorithms such as:
Implement methods to show feature importance
Partial dependence plots
Tree surrogate
LocalModel: Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations
Add Dataset loaders for standard interpretability datasets.
Add performance metrics for interpretability
Add interpretability algorithms
Glue code to SHAP package
Specifically you will
Familiarize yourself with MLJ
Survey of some of the literature and existing implementations in Julia and other languages, and preparing a short summary
Implement visualizations of explanations
Implement use cases
You will learn about the benefits and short comings of model interpretation and how to use them.
Design and implement a data visualization module for MLJ.
Difficulty. Easy. Duration. 350 hours.
Design and implement a data visualization module for MLJ to visualize numeric and categorical features (histograms, boxplots, correlations, frequencies), intermediate results, and metrics generated by MLJ machines.
Using a suitable Julia package for data visualization.
The idea is to implement a similar resource to what mlr3viz does for mlr3.
Julia language fluency essential.
Git-workflow essential.
Some prior work on data visualization is desirable
So far visualizing data or features in MLJ is an ad-hoc task. Defined by the user case by case. You will be implementing a standard way to visualize model performance, residuals, benchmarks and predictions for MLJ users.
The structures and metrics will be given from the results of models or data sets used; your task will be to implement the right visualizations depending on the data type of the features.
A relevant part of this project is to visualize the target variable against the rest of the features.
You will enhance your visualisation skills as well as your ability to "debug" and understand models and their prediction visually.
Mentors: Sebastian Vollmer, Diego Arenas.
Diagnose and exploit opportunities for speeding up common MLJ workflows.
Difficulty. Moderate. Duration. 350 hours.
In addition to investigating a number of known performance bottlenecks, you will have some free reign in this to identify opportunities to speed up common MLJ workflows, as well as making better use of memory resources.
Julia language fluency essential.
Experience with multi-threading and multi-processor computing essential, preferably in Julia.
Git-workflow familiarity strongly preferred.
Familiarity with machine learning goals and workflow preferred
In this project you will:
familiarize yourself with the training, evaluation and tuning of machine learning models in MLJ
work towards addressing a number of known performance issues, including:
limitations of the generic Tables.jl interface for interacting with tabular data which, in common cases (DataFrames), has extra functionality that can be exploited
rolling out new data front-end for models to avoid unnecessary copying of data
in conjunction with your mentor, identify best design for introducing better sparse data support to MLJ models (e.g., naive Bayes)
implement multi-processor parallelism in the current learning networks scheduler
benchmark and profile common workflows to identify opportunities for further code optimizations
implement some of these optimizations
MLJ Roadmap. See, in particular "Scalability" section.
Data front end for MLJ models.
Mentors. Anthony Blaom