2024 GSoC and JSoC Fellows Announced

3 May 2024 | Avik Sengupta, Jacob Zelko

Hi Julia Community,

It is with GREAT excitement we are pleased to announce this year's Google Summer of Code projects and the Julia Summer of Code projects!

Google Summer of Code

To give some quick statistics, we had 2626 proposals we submitted to Google and we were allocated 2121 slots – that's 81%\approx 81\% of the proposals! Here are the list of projects, their fellows, and the mentors for each project; if you want to learn any more details about the projects, click here.

Project TitleGSoC FellowAssigned Mentor(s)
Graph Neural Networks - Training on very large graphsAgataCarloLucibello
Julia Dagger - Enhancing Streaming Data Processing for Heterogeneous ComputingDavide FerrettiJulian Samaroo, James Wrigley
JuliaGenAI/Gibberish.jl: GPU-accelerated language models in JuliaDhruv DhamaniCameron Pfiffer
Adding functionalities to medical imaging visualizationsDivyansh Goyalcncastillo, Jakub Mitura
Bringing state-of-the-art categorical variable encoding methods to JuliaEssam WisamAnthony Blaom
Improving the integration between Turing and Turing’s MCMC inference packagesIvan SladoljevTor Erlend Fjelde
Project 4: Adding dataset-wide functions and integrations of augmentationsJanZubikcncastillo, Jakub Mitura
PosteriorDB Implementations for Turing.jlJasonPekosTor Erlend Fjelde
Developing Tooling for Observational Health Research in JuliaJay Sanjay LandgeTheCedarPrince
Algorithms and interface for detection of periodic orbitsJonas KoziorekDatseris
Integrating the Modern CFD Package Trixi.jl with Compiler-Based Auto-Diff via Enzyme.jlJulian XuHendrik Ranocha
Developing IPUMS.jl: A Pure Julia Interface to IPUMS for Health Research Applications and BeyondMichela RocchettiKrishna Bhogaonker
OptiFloat.jl: Automatic Floating Point Expression Optimization in Pure JuliaNiklas HeimShashi Gowda, Alessandro Cheli
Add the support to Conformal Bayes to TaijaPasquale CaterinoPat Alt
Language Interoperability - CxxWrap.jlPraneethJainBart Janssens
Enhance KomaMRI.jl GPU SupportRyan Kierulfcncastillo Pim
Supercharging the Knowledge Base of AIHelpMe.jlShreyas AgrawalCameron Pfiffer, Jan Siml
ColBERTv2.0: Efficient Information Retrieval in JuliaSiddhant ChaudharyCameron Pfiffer, Jan Siml
Tensor network contraction order optimization and visualizationXuanzhao GaoJinGuo Liu
Symbolic computation with Julia (Symbolics.jl): Symbolic Root findingYassin ElBedwihyAlexander Demin
New quantum error-correcting codes and decoders for QuantumClifford.jlYuxuan YanStefan Krastanov

Julia Summer of Code

Additionally, the limited number of slots from Google meant that not all projects that we selected could receive a GSoC fellowship. We were however able to offer additional fellowships through the broader Julia Summer of Code umbrella via open source funds.

Project TitleFellowAssigned Mentor(s)
Efficient Tensor DifferentiationPrateek GargYingbo Ma
From Counterfactuals to Interventions (Recourse through Minimal Causal Interventions)jorgelwyz.francoPat Alt, moritzschauer
Enhancing GraphNeuralNetwork.jl with Equivariant Layer, Models, and Dataset WrappersRishabhcarlo.lucibello
Implementing layers for temporal graphs in GraphNeuralNetworks.jlauroracarlo.lucibello
Testing and benchmarking of TopOpt.jlutkarshyashvardhan11mohamed82008

Concluding Thoughts

A huge congratulations to all the fellows for this year's Google Summer of Code and Julia Summer of Code cohorts! Additionally, a massive thank you to all the mentors who are overseeing projects this year. We are thrilled to have you all within the Julia Community and are eager to see what all comes next!

~ Avik Sengupta & Jacob Zelko (Julia Season of Contributions Team)