JuliaCon Global 2025 and JuliaCon 2024 Wrap-Up

18 September 2024 | JuliaCon Organizing Committee

Pittsburgh Skyline

We’re happy to announce that JuliaCon Global 2025 will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA July 21 - July 26, 2025!

A few important date estimates for you:

We look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh, and please keep an eye out for future announcements!

If you’re interested in joining the JuliaCon Global 2025 organizing committee please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/mYNPDgSvAYyxcNM6A

Julia Community Efforts

We have a couple new community efforts we’d like to talk about!

Julia Online Videos

We have a lot of community members who want to give presentations at JuliaCon each year but can’t make it! We receive a lot of requests to submit videos to the conference, but for now we intend to run JuliaCon as an in-person conference first and foremost. Hybrid conferences take a lot of effort, and have a negative impact on the in-person experience.

As an alternative, we are starting a new trial program called Julia Online for community members to propose videos for upload to the Julia YouTube Channel. If your proposal is accepted, you’ll be asked to prepare your proposal into a full video for upload! This call for proposals will be evergreen and will stay open for as long as we run this program, so you are welcome to propose a video at any time.

Our YouTube channel is a fantastic forum for you to advertise your packages / work, present tutorials that drive users to the Julia ecosystem, or to present unique perspectives on your favorite problem in computer science, software development, or scientific computing! We have well over 100k views per month, and a hundreds of thousands of impressions on each video we upload.

If this program interests you, please fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/rNjqoXGgQ3TnpcRf8

JuliaCon Locals

We had over a dozen community members reach out to talk about hosting a JuliaCon Local at JuliaCon 2024! The first step in this process is always to start a local meetup. We’re happy to help with that as much as we can, you can reach out on the #community channel on Slack at any time.

Once you have an established meetup and you’d like to host a JuliaCon Local please reach out to raye@julialang.org or ranjan@julialang.org for more information.

We are working on a unified playbook for how to build your local community, how to get access to awesome speakers, and how to find spaces and funds for your meetup, so please keep an eye out for that on our usual channels!

JuliaCon Global 2024 Wrap Up

JuliaCon 2024 was a wonderful, record breaking event for our community. If you were able to attend in person we hope you enjoyed the conference and plan to attend future JuliaCons! If you were an online viewer or have been watching our talks as they've been uploaded on YouTube hopefully you plan to join us in 2025!

JuliaCon Crowd

Julia Community Prizes

We want to be sure you didn’t miss the Julia Community Prizes. These prizes were announced at the closing session of JuliaCon 2024 on July 12th, but if you missed it, the awardees this year were:

Awardees are nominated by the Julia community, and then winners are selected by a committee of senior community members based on their holistic contributions across the ecosystem.

JuliaCon 2024 Organizers and Volunteers

JuliaCon wouldn’t happen without an amazing group of organizers and volunteers. The organizing committee put in an incredible amount of work over the past year, and an incredible 70+ volunteers made the conference possible.

We first want to highlight the incredible Local Organizing Committee. Led by Gareth Thomas, who is unmatched in his ability to bring people together for a common cause, the local committee was the key to both JuliaCon Local Eindhoven and JuliaCon Global 2024!

This local committee is a fantastic blueprint for future JuliaCon Locals, and for local committees in the future.

Our global committee this year was also the biggest we’ve had in years, and organized our wonderful program, diversity initiatives, and sponsorship roster.

JuliaCon Construction Edition