
In addition to the thousands of individuals who contribute to the Julia project in their personal capacities, we are grateful to a large number of companies and organizations that are supporting the continued growth of the Julia project and ecosystem.

Full-time Julia developers

The following organizations have employed Julia core developers whose full-time responsibility is Julia development and maintenance. We are grateful for their commitment to improving the long-term sustainability of the Julia project.

Note that while these organizations are employing Julia core developers, decision making authority within the project rests solely with individual core developers and not their employers. For more information, see the <a href="/governance/">governance</a> page.


As a project, Julia encompasses more than just a repository on GitHub. Providing a seamless user experience to the Julia community requires a significant amount of infrastructure. Running this infrastructure is not cheap and we are grateful to these organizations for providing compute credits, services, hardware and other support essential for keeping Julia running:

Direct Funding

A number of organizations and funding agencies are or have provided direct funding for Julia maintenance.

Current funding

In addition, there are a large number of organizations funding research primarily conducted in Julia or funding the specific development of certain Julia features. Funding agencies for these efforts include NSF, DARPA, NIH, and the FAA. However, they are not listed here, as this list only includes such funding directly dedicated to ongoing Julia maintenance.

Past funding

The following organizations have previously directly funded Julia development and maintenance:


The annual JuliaCon conference raises money through sponsorship and ticket sales. Excess money after expenses (if any) become part of the general Julia fund at NumFocus, which is used to cover miscellaneous hosting and other expenses of the Julia project.