Taija Projects - Summer of Code

Taija is an organization that hosts software geared towards Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Julia. Taija currently covers a range of approaches towards making AI systems more trustworthy:

Various meta packages can be used to extend the core functionality:

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Project 1: Conformal Prediction meets Bayes (Predictive Uncertainty)

Project Overview: ConformalPrediction.jl is a package for Predictive Uncertainty Quantification through Conformal Prediction for Machine Learning models trained in MLJ. This project aims to enhance ConformalPrediction.jl by adding support for Conformal(ized) Bayes.

Mentor: Patrick Altmeyer and/or Mojtaba Farmanbar

Project Difficulty: Medium

Estimated Duration: 175 hours

Ideal Candidate Profile:

Project Goals and Deliverables:

Project 2: Counterfactual Regression (Model Explainability)

Project Overview: CounterfactualExplanations.jl is a package for Counterfactual Explanations and Algorithmic Recourse in Julia. This project aims to extend the package functionality to regression models.

Mentor: Patrick Altmeyer

Project Difficulty: Hard

Estimated Duration: 350 hours

Ideal Candidate Profile:

Project Goals and Deliverables:

Project 3: Counterfactuals for LLMs (Model Explainability and Generative AI)

Project Overview: This project aims to extend the functionality of CounterfactualExplanations.jl to Large Language Models (LLMs). As a backbone for this, support for computing feature attributions for LLMs will also need to be implemented. The project will contribute to both Taija and JuliaGenAI.

Mentor: Patrick Altmeyer (Taija) and Jan Siml (JuliaGenAI)

Project Difficulty: Medium

Estimated Duration: 175 hours

Ideal Candidate Profile:

Project Goals and Deliverables:

Project 4: From Counterfactuals to Interventions (Recourse through Minimal Causal Interventions)

Project Overview: This extension aims to enhance the CounterfactualExplanations.jl package by incorporating a module for generating actionable recourse through minimal causal interventions.

Mentor: Patrick Altmeyer (Taija) and Moritz Schauer (CausalInference.jl)

Project Difficulty: Hard

Estimated Duration: 350 hours

Ideal Candidate Profile:

Project Goals and Deliverables:

About Us

Patrick Altmeyer is a PhD Candidate in Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence at Delft University of Technology working on the intersection of Computer Science and Finance. He has presented work related to Taija at JuliaCon 2022 and 2023. In the past year, Patrick has mentored multiple groups of students at Delft University of Technology who have made major contributions to Taija.

How to Contact Us

We'd love to hear your ideas and discuss potential projects with you.

Probably the easiest way is to join our JuliaLang Slack and join the #taija channel. You can also post a GitHub Issue on our organization repo.

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