Julia is now being used in several universities and online courses. This list is by no means complete or even comprehensive - it is based on submissions made to the website. If you know of other classes using Julia for teaching, please consider updating this list.
AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Signal processing in medical diagnostic systems (Tomasz Pieciak), Spring 2015
Arizona State University
MAT 423, Numerical Analysis (Prof. Clemens Heitzinger), Fall 2014
Azad University, Science and Research Branch
CE 3820, Modeling and Evaluation (Dr. Arman Shokrollahi), Fall 2014
Brown University
CSCI 1810, Computational Molecular Biology (Prof. Benjamin J. Raphael), Fall 2014
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Applications of Differential Equations and Vector Analysis for Engineers II (Brigitta Szilágyi)
City University of New York
MTH 229, Calculus Computer Laboratory (Prof. John Verzani), Spring 2014. Also see the MTH 229 Projects page.
Cornell University
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Dartmouth College
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
[CIVIL 557] Decision-aid methodologies in transportation (Mor Kaspi, Virginie Lurkin), Spring 2017
MATH 251(b), Numerical analysis, Spring 2024
MATH 500, Error control in scientific modelling, from Fall 2023
Emory University
Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)
TM429, Introduction to Recommender Systems (Prof. Filipe Braida), Fall 2016, Spring 2017
Federal University of Alagoas (Universidade Federal de Alagoas, UFAL)
COMP272, Distributed Systems (Prof. André Lage-Freitas): 2015, 2016, and 2017
Federal University of Paraná (Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR)
CM103, Laboratório de Matemática Aplicada (Prof. Abel Soares Siqueira), 2016, 2017, and 2018, 2019
CMM014, Cálculo Numérico (Prof. Abel Soares Siqueira), 2019
CM106/CMI043/CMM204/MNUM7079, Otimização Não Linear (Prof. Abel Soares Siqueira), 2018, 2020
Federal University of Uberlândia, Institute of Physics
GFM050, Física Computacional (Prof. Gerson J. Ferreira), Fall 2016
Johns Hopkins University
EN560.630, Structural Dynamics (Prof. Cristopher D. Moen), Spring 2020, Fall 2021
Hadsel High School, Stokmarknes, Nordland, Norway
AnsattOversikt, [REA3034] Programmering og modellering (Programming and modeling with Julia and Snap), 2018 / 19 (High school lecturer Olav A Marschall, M.sc. Computer Science)
IIT Indore
ApplNLA, Modern Applications of Numerical Linear Algebra (Prof. Ivan Slapnicar), June 2016
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), Mexico City, Mexico
COM 15112 - Parallel and Cloud Computing (Cómputo paralelo y en la nube) (Dr. José Octavio Gutiérrez García)
Iowa State University
STAT 590F, Topics in Statistical Computing: Julia Seminar (Prof. Heike Hofmann), Fall 2014
Kathmandu University
AICC202 Introduction to Data Science, Foundational Data Science Course (Rojesh Man Shikhrakar), Spring 2023
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
IE535, Network Theory and Applications (Prof. Changhyun Kwon), Fall 2023
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
18.S097 Special Subject in Mathematics: Introduction to Julia for Data Science (Bogumił Kamiński, Przemysław Szufel, Łukasz Kraiński, Bartosz Witkowski, Sebastian Zając, Mateusz Zawisza), 2023 (course materials and lecture videos)
6.251 / 15.081, Introduction to Mathematical Programming (Prof. Dimitris J. Bertsimas), Fall 2015
12.805, Data Analysis in Physical Oceanography (Jake Gebbie and Tom Farrar), Fall 2022
18.06, Linear Algebra: Fall 2015, Dr. Alex Townsend; Fall 2014, Prof. Alexander Postnikov; Fall 2013, Prof. Alan Edelman
18.303, Linear Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Numerics (Prof. Steven G. Johnson), Fall 2013–2016.
18.337 / 6.338, Numerical Computing with Julia (Prof. Alan Edelman). Fall 2015 (IJulia notebooks). Fall 2013–
18.085 / 0851, Computational Science And Engineering I (Prof. Pedro J. Sáenz)
18.330, Introduction to Numerical Analysis (Dr. Homer Reid), Spring 2013–2015
18.335, Introduction to Numerical Methods (Prof. Steven G. Johnson), Fall 2013, Spring 2015
18.338, Eigenvalues Of Random Matrices (Prof. Alan Edelman), Spring 2015
18.S096, Performance Computing in a High Level Language (Steven G. Johnson, Alan Edelman, David Sanders, Jeff Bezanson), January 2017.
15.093 / 6.255, Optimization Methods (Prof. Dimitris Bertsimas and Dr. Phebe Vayanos), Fall 2014
15.S60, Software Tools for Operations Research (Iain Dunning), Spring 2014
15.083, Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (Prof. Juan Pablo Vielma), Spring 2014
National University of Singapore
EE5311, Differentiable and Probabilistic Computing (Mandar Chitre), 2024-
Northeastern University, Fall 2016
MTH3300: Applied Probability & Statistics
Óbuda University, John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Institute of Applied Mathematics
[Intelligent Development Tools (Hungarian)]
[Intelligent Development Tools (English)]
[Fundamental Mathematical Methods (English)]
Oregon State University
CHE 599, Introduction to Data Science for Engineers (taught by Cory Simon)
CHE 361, Process Dynamics & Simulation taught by (Cory Simon, using Controlz.jl
CHE 461, Process Control (Cory Simon, using Controlz.jl
Pennsylvania State University
ASTRO 585, Seminar: High-Performance Scientific Computing for Astrophysics (Prof. Eric B. Ford), Spring 2014 - github repo & Fall 2015 - github repo
ASTRO 528, High-Performance Scientific Computing for Astrophysics (Prof. Eric B. Ford), Spring 2019 - github repo & Fall 2021 github repo
Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy)
Algorithms for Optimization, Inference and Learning - AOIL, (Prof. A. Braunstein), starting from Spring 2018
Inference in Biological Systems, (Prof. A. Gamba), starting from Fall 2018
Stochastic Simulation Methods In Physics, (Prof. A. Pagnani), starting from Fall 2018
Mathematics for the engineer (Prof. J.-B. Caillau), spring 2020
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)
Programming in Julia (Prof. Thuener Silva), Summer 2017
Linear Optimization (Prof. Alexandre Street), Spring 2017
Decision and Risk Analysis (Prof. Davi Valladão), Fall 2015
Purdue University
CS51400, Numerical Analysis (Prof. David Gleich), Spring 2016
Rice University
CEVE 543, Environmental Data Science (Prof. James Doss-Gollin), Spring semesters starting in 2022
Royal Military Academy (Brussels)
ES123, Computer Algorithms and Programming Project (Prof. Ben Lauwens), Spring 2018
ES313, Mathematical modelling and Computer Simulation (Prof. Ben Lauwens), Fall 2018
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Student Projects about "Building Blocks for Modern Simulation Software" (Prof. Daniel Balzani) since spring 2020
Introduction to the Finite Element Method (Prof. Daniel Balzani), since fall 2020
Mechanical Modeling of Materials (Prof. Daniel Balzani) since spring 2021
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Introduction to Programming for Business Analytics, since Fall 2021
“Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy
Operations Research (Giampaolo Liuzzi), Spring 2015
Optimization for Complex Systems (Giampaolo Liuzzi), Spring 2016
Sciences Po Paris, Department of Economics, Spring 2016.
SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
234060-0723, Advanced Simulation Modelling (Przemysław Szufel): since 2019
223490-0286, Statistical Learning Methods (Bogumił Kamiński): since 2017
234900-0286, Agent-Based Modeling (Bogumił Kamiński): since 2017
239420-0553, Introduction to Deep Learning module (Bogumił Kamiński): since 2018
Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College
CIT 120 Computational Thinking (Inst. Bryan Knowles), Online, Fall 2017
Stanford University
ENGR108, Introduction to Matrix Methods (Prof Stephen Boyd), Since 2021
AA222/CS361, Engineering Design Optimization (Prof. Mykel J. Kochenderfer), Since 2014
AA228/CS238, Decision Making under Uncertainty (Prof. Mykel J. Kochenderfer), Since 2014
AA228V/CS238V, Validation of Safety-Critical Systems (Sydney Katz and Prof. Mykel J. Kochenderfer), Since 2025
EE103, Introduction to Matrix Methods (Prof. Stephen Boyd), Fall 2014, Fall 2015
CME 257, Advanced Topics in Scientific Computing with Julia (Mr. Brad Nelson), Fall 2015
EE266, Stochastic Control (Prof. Sanjay Lall), Spring 2016
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ)
101-0250-00L (PDE on GPU), Solving Partial Differential Equations in parallel on GPUs (Dr. Ludovic Räss), Fall 2021, Fall 2022
Tec de Monterrey, Santa Fe Campus, Mexico City
IN2022, Modelos de Optimización (Prof. Marzieh Khakifirooz), Spring 2020
Technical University of Delft (TU Delft)
EE4375, Finite Element Methods for Electrical Engineering Applications (Prof. D. Lahaye)
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
L0407, Exercises in Programming I for Mechanical Systems Engineering (Hiroharu Sugawara), since 2018, in Japanese
TU Dortmund / SFB 823, Germany
One week introductory course into Julia with applications in statistics and economics (Tileman Conring): Spring 2018
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
ING747, Integer programming, Fall 2018-2019 (Diego Morán and Rodolfo Carvajal)
DIIIO06, Advanced linear optimization, Spring 2020 (Diego Morán)
Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile
Métodos Cuantitativos, Introducción a la Programación con Julia, Magister en Economía (Prof. Mauricio Tejada)
Université Bretagne Sud
ANR2201 - Result Analysis (Prof. Marc Sevaux), since 2018
INOE301 - Scheduling (Dr. Alexandru Olteanu), since 2018
MAOE501 - Advanced Scheduling (Dr. Alexandru Olteanu), since 2018
MTH2151 - Graphs (Prof. Marc Sevaux), since 2019
MTH2153 - Numerical methods 1 (Dr. Bertrand Banos), since 2018
MTH2251 - Mathematical Programming (Prof. Marc Sevaux), since 2018
MTH2254 - Multi-objective optimization (Prof. Xavier Gandibleux), since 2018
MTH2352 - Heuristics and metaheuristics (Prof. Marc Sevaux), since 2019
OADE301 - Decision aiding tools (Dr. Alexandru Olteanu), since 2018
OPCE501 - Combinatorial Optimization (Prof. Marc Sevaux), since 2019
OPE401 - Operations Research (Dr. Alexandru Olteanu), since 2018
ROP2301 - Optimization (Prof. Marc Sevaux), since 2018
UVOE501 - Virtual factory and optimization (Dr. Alexandru Olteanu), since 2018
UNOE401 - Digital factory and optimization (Dr. Alexandru Olteanu), since 2018
University of Engineering and Technology – UTEC, Barranco, Lima, Peru
IN2003 - Operations Research 1: Deterministic models (Prof. Fabien Cornillier), since 2017
Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia
ELP 4076, Ingeniería de Ríos y Costas (Prof. Germán Rivillas)
ICI 4083, Hidráulica (Prof. Germán Rivillas)
ICI 62016, Hidráulica Marítima (Prof. Germán Rivillas)
ICI 62017, Hidrodinámica (Prof. Germán Rivillas)
ICI 62019, Ingeniería Costera (Prof. Germán Rivillas)
ICI 62022, Tópicos Avanzados de Ingeniería Costera (Prof. Germán Rivillas)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Física computacional (Prof. David P. Sanders), Fall 2014
Métodos numéricos para sistemas dinámicos (Prof. Luis Benet), Fall 2014
Métodos numéricos avanzados (Prof. David P. Sanders and Prof. Luis Benet), Spring 2015
Métodos computacionales para la física estadística (Prof. David P. Sanders), Spring 2015
Risk Theory (Prof. Arturo Erdely), Fall 2022
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Tandil, Argentina.
Modelización Matemática (Prof. Pablo A. Lotito), 2020.
Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque, Perú
Julia: el lenguaje del futuro, Semana de Integración de Ingeniería Electrónica, (Oscar William Neciosup Vera), Spring 2015
Universidad Veracruzana, México
Algoritmos Evolutivos y de Inteligencia Colectiva (Jesús A. Mejía-de-Dios), Fall 2019
Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Brazil
Ciência de Dados e Computação Científica com Julia (Jose Storopoli), since 2021, 2022
Bayesian Statistics (Jose Storopoli), since 2022
University at Buffalo
IE 572 Linear Programming (Prof. Changhyun Kwon), Fall 2014
University of Antwerp, Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical, Veterinary Sciences, October 2016
Computational Neuroscience (2070FBDBMW), Master of Biomedical Sciences, of Biochemistry, of Physics (Michele Giugliano)
University of Basel, Department of Physics
Classical Mechanics (Prof. Christoph Bruder), Fall 2020
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
EE133A, Applied Numerical Computing (Prof. L. Vandenberghe), Fall 2021
Biostat 257, Computational Methods for Biostatistical Research, Spring 2021 (Prof. Hua Zhou)
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
DATA201/DATA422 Data Wrangling (Dr. Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva, Dr. Thomas Li), since S2 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
DATA419 Social Networks and Online Communities (Dr. Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva), S2 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
DATA417 The Trustworthy Data Scientist (Dr. Giulio Valentino Dalla Riva), S2 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
University of Central Florida
STA 7722 Statistical Learning Theory, Spring 2019-2022
STA 6714 Data Preparation, Fall 2021-2022
University of Cologne, Institute for Theoretical Physics
Computational Physics (Prof. Simon Trebst), Summer 2016
Computational Physics (Prof. Ralf Bulla), Summer 2017
Statistical Physics (Prof. Simon Trebst), Winter 2017
Computational Many-Body Physics (Prof. Simon Trebst), Summer 2018
Advanced Julia Workshop (MSc. Carsten Bauer), Fall 2018
Computational Physics (Prof. Simon Trebst), Summer 2019
Advanced Julia Workshop (MSc. Carsten Bauer), Fall 2019
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Connecticut, Storrs
CHEG 5395, Metaheuristic and Heuristic Methods in Chemical Engineering (Prof. Ranjan Srivastava), Spring 2018
University of Edinburgh
University of Florida
COT 5615, Math for Intelligent Systems (Prof. Kejun Huang), 2021
CIS 4390, Abstraction, Composition, and Computation (Prof. James Fairbanks), Fall 2021
COT 4501, Numerical Analysis: A Computational Approach (Prof. James Fairbanks), Spring 2022
University of Glasgow, School of Mathematics and Statistics
An Introduction to Julia, course of Online Master of Science (MSc) in Data Analytics (Theodore Papamarkou), September 2017
University of Oregon
EC607, Core Macroeconomics III (Prof. David Evans)
EC607, Computational Economics (Prof. David Evans)
University of Oulu
Invited Advanced Julia Workshop (MSc. Carsten Bauer, University of Cologne), Spring 2020
University of Southern Maine
COS 374, Numerical Analysis (Prof. James Quinlan), Spring Semesters
University of South Florida
ESI 4312, Deterministic Operations Research (Prof. Changhyun Kwon), Fall 2017–Fall 2020
ESI 6410, Optimization in O.R. (Prof. Changhyun Kwon), Spring 2021
ESI 6491, Linear Programming and Network Optimization (Prof. Changhyun Kwon), Fall 2015–Fall 2020
EIN 6945, Nonlinear Optimization and Game Theory (Prof. Changhyun Kwon), Spring 2016, 2018, 2020
University of Southern California
QBIO 577, Computational Molecular Biology Laboratory, Systems Biology (Prof. Adam L. MacLean), since Fall 2019
University of Sydney
MATH3076/3976, Mathematical Computing (Assoc. Prof. Sheehan Olver), Fall 2016
University of Queensland
MATH2504, Programming of Simulation, Analysis, & Learning Systems (Assoc. Prof. Yoni Nazarathy), since 2021-
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Optimization in Machine Learning, (Prof. Peter Richtarik), Fall 2015
MATH0462, Discrete Optimization (Prof. Quentin Louveaux), Fall 2016
MATH0461, Introduction to Numerical Optimization (Prof. Quentin Louveaux), Fall 2016
MATH0462, Discrete Optimization (Prof. Quentin Louveaux), Fall 2015
Université de Montréal
BIO6032, Biologie computationnelle et modélisation (Prof. Timothée Poisot), Winter 2021-
BIO3033 & BIO6033, Méthodes Quantitatives en Biologie (Prof. Timothée Poisot), Fall 2017-
BIO3043 & BIO6037, Analyse des Réseaux Écologiques (Prof. Timothée Poisot), Fall 2018-
IFT1575, Modèles de recherche opérationnelle (Prof. Bernard Gendron), Fall 2017
IFT3245, Simulation et modèles (Prof. Fabian Bastin), Fall 2017
IFT3515, Optimisation non linéaire (Prof. Fabian Bastin), Winter 2017-2018
IFT6512, Programmation stochastique (Prof. Fabian Bastin), Winter 2018
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
IAIC-2023, Inteligencia Artificial, (Prof. Pedro Almagro Blanco and Prof. Fernando Sancho Caparrini), Winter 2023
University of Vaasa, Finland
University of Washington
AMATH 586, Numerical analysis of time-dependent problems (Prof. Tom Trogdon), Spring 2020
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
XM_40017, Programming Large-Scale Parallel Systems (Prof. Dr. Ir. H.E. Bal, Dr. F. Verdugo Rojano), Fall 2023
Washington University in St. Louis
Advanced Scientific Computing (Bio5989) (Prof. Tim Holy), annual. See videos and corresponding branch from the Fall 2021 edition of the course.
Western University Canada
CS 2101A, Foundations of Programming for High Performance Computing. (Prof. Marc Moreno Maza), Fall 2013
TH Köln (University of Applied Sciences), Institute of Automotive Engineering
Introduction to Scientific Computing (Prof. Georg Engelmann), since Fall 2023
Numerical Methods in Engineering (Prof. Georg Engelmann), since Spring 2023
Have a Julia class you want added to this list? Please open an issue or pull request.