Introduction to Julia for mathematics undergraduates. An introduction to Julia, with case studies, suitable for undergraduate students with a mathematics background.
Julia Programming: A Hands-On Tutorial, and Numerical Computing in Julia by Martín D. Maas. Introductory material about Julia, focusing on its use in Science and Engineering.
Zero2Hero intensive workshop by George Datseris. An intensive workshop targeting an audience familiar with programming that wants to transition to Julia and use Julia like a pro.
From zero to Julia! by Aurelio Amerio. An expanding series of short tutorials about Julia, starting from the beginner level and going up to deal with the more advanced topics.
Julia Workshop for Physicists by Carsten Bauer (see also JuliaWorkshop19).
A Deep Introduction to Julia for Data Science and Scientific Computing by Chris Rackauckas
Programming in Julia (Quantitative Economics) - by Jesse Perla, Thomas J. Sargent, and John Stachurski. Along with being a complete textbook with Julia code for macroeconomics, this also is a very good introduction to Julia.
A Comprehensive Tutorial to Learn Data Science with Julia from Scratch by Mohd Sanad Zaki Rizvi
Julia language: a concise tutorial by Antonello Lobianco. A basic introduction that includes the main packages.
Basics of Projects Example by Rob Farrow. Fast start for using Julia Project and associated tools.
Just the Julia you need to get started in Data Science and ML by Raj Rao – use code JULIACON2020 to access after registering.
Programación básica en Julia and Claves para programar en Julia by Helios De Rosario. Two guides in Spanish to get started on Julia.
Practical introduction to Julia for modelling and data analysis in biodiversity and earth sciences by Victor Boussange and Mauro Werder.
Julia Programming Tutorial For Beginners by Bekhruz Tuychiev (DataCamp).
Grundlagen der Programmiersprache Julia and Statistik mit Julia by Georg Kindermann. Two guides in German to get started on Julia and Statistics with Julia.
Have a Julia tutorial you want added to this list? Please open an issue or pull request.