Julia's Google Season of Docs Projects

Below are the projects which have been proposed for Google Season of Docs under the umbrella of the Julia Language. If you have questions about potential projects, the first point of contact would be the mentor(s) listed on the project. If you are unable to get ahold of the potential mentor(s), you should email jsoc@julialang.org and CC community@julialang.org.

We at the Julia Language are committed to making the application process and participation in GSoD with Julia accessible to everyone. If you have questions or requests, please do reach out and we will do our best to accommodate you.

The GSoD experience with The Julia Language

Learn from one of our technical writers about their experience with GSoD:

Project Ideas for 2024

Below you can find a running list of potential GSoD projects. If any of these are of interest to you, please reach out to the respective mentor(s).

Unifying the JuliaHeath Organization Documentation Landscape

About your organization

The Julia Programming Language is an MIT-licensed high-performance programming language designed for speed, usability, and reproducibility within both scientific and general purpose computing. Currently the Julia community has over 7,000 registered Julia packages, 35 million+ downloads of Julia, and thousands of contributors worldwide. Julia's popularity continues to grow thanks to the dedicated community of users and developers who have helped develop several smaller specialty ecosystems within Julia.

In particular, the JuliaHealth Organization is one such ecosystem that was originally organized and founded 2020. It is an organization dedicated to improving healthcare by developing open-source tools to work with a variety of health data and promotes interoperable data standards within the broader health research community. The community is made up of health researchers, data scientists, software developers, and healthcare professionals who are passionate about using Julia to investigate and improve patient outcomes and promote data-driven decision-making.

Over the past four years, our organization membership has grown to more than 60 members actively working on the dozens of JuliaHealth packages we house. As the entire JuliaHealth user community comprises more than 250 registered users across the Julia Slack and Julia Zulip instances, niche subecosystems have organically arisen under the JuliaHealth umbrella. Currently, there are various subecosystems such as the Medical Imaging and the Observational Health subecosystem with more subecosystems beginning to emerge.

Your project’s problem

With JuliaHealth's terrific growth over the years – both in terms of growth in users, members, and actively maintained packages – we are beginning to see the need for more unified documentation. Without this unified documentation, we are seeing:

In some ways, this is a very good place to be in in that we have grown to the point of having these issues. Users and developers want to engage with the JuliaHealth community, but if we do not provide a more unified documentation approach, we could potentially lose members or new contributors and stagnate our growth.

Project Impact

Your project’s scope

Although there are many subecosystems within JuliaHealth, our project will be scoped to specifically the Medical Imaging subecosystem as it has grown mature enough to encounter many of these problems already. Working on documentation around the Medical Imagining subecosystem will benefit the rest of the JuliaHealth ecosystem as it will provide a roadmap for how other subecosystems can best document themselves and support their users.

To better position the Medical Imaging subecosystem within the JuliaHealth organization, we will first have to do some general documentation improvements to the main JuliaHealth website. This includes:

Once this initial groundwork is done, we will then address some of the specific core tooling within the Medical Imaging subecosystem. Due to the modular nature of packages within this subecosystem, we will need to improve documentation across various packages to show what they should be used for, how they integrate with one another, and how to onboard as a potential new contributor:

Finally, if time permits, there will be some additional stretch goals that we would like to attempt accomplishing:

Technical Writer

Name: Sneha Pandey

Sneha Pandey is a sophomore specializing in AI and ML and also serves as a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador. Through this role, she had refined her ability to communicate complex concepts effectively to diverse audiences. Additionally, She had gained experience as a content writer, crafting content for her university. She has hands-on experience in developing various mini projects, such as a WhatsApp bot and ML captioning models using Streamlit and Python. Her familiarity with Julia stems from previous engagements in medical imaging alongside MD PhD Msc Jakub Mitura. Moreover, She ensured comprehensive documentation of her personal projects using Documenter.jl. These experiences collectively equip her with the skills and proficiency required to excel as a technical writer within the Julia ecosystem.

Volunteer Roles

Volunteer 1: General JuliaHealth Organization Volunteer:

Name: Jacob S. Zelko


  1. Providing support for general JuliaHealth documentation tasks.

  2. Assisting in reviewing documentation pull requests (PRs) periodically.

  3. Deploying documentation within the Julia ecosystem as needed.

  4. Handling miscellaneous tasks as they arise.

  5. Serving as a general support role while integrating Technical Writer's work into the broader JuliaHealth ecosystem.

Volunteer 2: JuliaDocs and Documentation Deployment Volunteer:

Name: Anshul Singhvi


  1. Transition support the main JuliaHealth page to the designated technology platform.

  2. Provide guidance on safely implementing tracking metrics to monitor user engagement and interaction with the platform.

  3. Offer technical consultation and guidance as needed throughout the project duration.

  4. Help fix issues or rememdy needs that may arise from using tools from within the JuliaDocs ecosystem

Volunteer 3: Medical Imaging Subecosystem Volunteer:

Name: Guillermo Sahonero Alvarez


  1. Provide guidance on medical imaging theory and spatial metadata

  2. Support in connecting imaging discussions to other aspects of the Julia ecosystem (such as MLJ or JuliaImages)

  3. Provide subject matter expertise on imaging standards

  4. Assist in writing theorethical introductions

Volunteer 4: Task consultations on packages functionalities and function documentations


  1. Support for technical writer related to practical development issues of Julia programming languages

  2. To help checking weather docstrings of functions are working correctly

  3. Collaborate with KormaMRI to create specialized documentation sections based on their research paper, covering advanced topics or techniques relevant to medical imaging.

Work that is out of scope for this project:

To explicitly enumerate what work is out of scope for this project, we do not plan for work done in the following spaces:

Measuring your project’s success

Currently, the documentation we do have does not yet have support for documentation traffic analytics. As of this moment, our best direct source for traffic metrics is to use JuliaHub to monitor package downloads and also to reference GitHub stars for a loose approximation of "discoverability". Additionally, we take advantage of the The Julia Programming Language YouTube Channel that we use to monitor engagement with our recorded JuliaHealth Workgroup meetings. In these situations, potential users or contributors would have to know where to look to find these resources or entry points to our supported packages and their respective subecosystems.

We would consider the project successful if :

For JuliaHealth, we would consider this project successful if:

Sub-Package Documentation 1 Sub-Package Documentation 2 Sub-Package Documentation 3 Sub-Package Documentation 4


We assume the tech writer will put in part time hours (10-20 hours/week) during this time.

Monthly Plan

DatesAction items
MayTechnical writer and volunteers are hired, onboarding
June-JulyResearch into Julia community, Audit existing documentation
August-SeptemberCreate Standard Package Documentations, Medical imaging subecosystem documentation
OctoberImprovements to the main page of JuliaHealth
NovemberWrite a blog post, Any outstanding tasks or stretch goals

Weekly Plan

This timeline is largely accurate but we expect that different packages or tasks may be slightly more challenging than others. The November time period gives us the opportunity to revisit any unfinished tasks and to potentially explore stretch goals if there were not many outstanding tasks left.

Communication Plan:

The primary communication channel we will use is Julia Slack and Dr. Jakub Mitura (MD, PhD) will be the individual responsible for all contact and mentoring throughout the project for regular updates and meetings. Outside of Slack, email will be used to handle communications with GSoD organizers and administrators with Jakub Mitura's email being: jakub.mitura14@gmail.com. Volunteers will also be available for communication on the Slack on an as-needed basis. Additionally, project updates will be given through the Julia Health Slack Channel which is where the majority of JuliaHealth communication takes place between members, users, and the rest of the Julia community.

Project Budget

Budget itemAmountRunning total
Technical writer$4000$4000
Volunteer (500x4)$2000$6000
Swags (3 shirts and 10 sticker packs)$125$6125

Additional justifications:

Additional information:

About GSoD Project Lead:

MD PhD Msc Jakub Mitura Researcher specialising in creating artificial intelligence models for medical imaging. Holds a doctorate in medical sciences with a thesis titled ‘The Role of Positron Emission Tomography Using Fluorodeoxyglucose in the Diagnosis of Vascular Prosthesis Infections.’ Additionally, holds a master’s degree in informatics with a specialisation in Big Data. Has authored scientific publications in the fields of medicine and artificial intelligence.

Additional Volunteer Notes:

Jacob Zelko was selected as a volunteer as he has a proven track record as a successful Google Summer of Code mentor for the past 3 years and is currently the Julia Organization's co-administrator for this years Google Summer of Code where he handles questions from both students and mentors. Given his experience, Jacob will provide guidance to Jakub and Sneha as needed to make sure this project is well-aligned with general Google Open Source program goals. Additionally, Jacob has a overseen many grants in the past through Google Summer of Code and former positions at Georgia Tech Research Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and will provide a valuable asset in answering any questions about the project scope.

Anshul Singhvi is a former Google Summer of Code student and has a vast swath of experience of working across the Julia ecosystem. In particular, Anshul has membership with numerous Julia organizations and will be a crucial asset to not only what are best practices for documentation deployment but can also help with how to best unify JuliaHealth packages within JuliaHealth itself and potentially across the greater Julia landscape. His insight will be crucial to mitigate any redundant work or answer outsanding questions to make sure this project is ran as effectively as possible. Also, given Anshul's tremendous experience in delivering contract work, he will be key in making sure the metrics we investigate and report on for the case study in our final report will be done rigorously and to the best of the technical writer's ability given the data we have access to.
