This page lists a bunch of project ideas, meant to serve as starting points as you develop your own plan. You're free to modify them to your tastes, or propose something totally different in an area you're interested in.
We have our project ideas organized below roughly by domain but you can also see a single page with all our projects together:
Compiler – work on the Julia compiler's internals to make things better for everyone.
CliMA – a new open-source climate model that runs on GPUs.
Documentation tooling - Tooling related to documentation generation, docstrings etc.
Ferrite FEM - A modern finite element toolbox in Julia.
Gabs - A Gaussian quantum information simulator
Graph neural networks - Deep learning on graphs with GraphNeuralNetworks.jl.
Herb - Let programs write themselves with program synthesis
High Performance and Parallel Computing – write code that runs on lots of machines, goes really fast, processes lots of data, or all three.
GPU Programming - Projects that involve the Julia GPU stack
JuliaDynamics - Dynamical systems, complex systems and nonlinear dynamics in Julia
JuliaGenAI - Research and applications of Generative AI in Julia
JuliaHealth - Using the Julia programming language to improve medicine, health care, public health, and biomedical research.
JuliaReach - Reachability analysis for dynamical systems
Machine learning - work on problems in machine learning in the broader Julia ML ecosystem
Molecular simulation - molecular simulation with Molly.jl.
QuantumClifford - Quantum circuits with Clifford gates
QuantumOptics - Quantum dynamics and master equations
Rimu.jl - Quantum Monte Carlo for physics and chemistry
Turing - for probabilistic modelling and probabilistic programming
Tooling - Development of developer tools and development environments for Julia
Topology optimisation - improving topology optimisation tools in Julia.
Trixi.jl - modern computational fluid dynamics with Trixi.jl in Julia.
We also have Julia project's available under other organizations. If you are applying for those projects, make sure your application is for that organization and NOT the Julia Language: